It’s in my minds eye that I mentally shape each vowel and impart the right color, timber and expression before actually producing it.
When I can attach the feel of that sound to the sound I want produce, the process becomes effortless.
I believe that anybody with working vocal cords can sing. Some may be more naturally skilled than others but even a poor voice can be overcome with dedication and practice. In all styles of singing, the voice works the same way and with the same overall technique. Each voice type, from soprano to bass, functions similarly. Vocal lessons are for everyone.
Great singers have great teachers. Not unlike other athletes, artists or writers. Many of us possess natural abilities but most noteworthy achievements are taught and coached. Vocal training adheres to both physical and acoustical law. It’s fun and easy. It is also systematic, rhythmic and repetitive but different each lesson. Vocal pedagogy is prescriptive.
A free voice is one that feels easy and comfortable, familiar and automatic. Singers should only think about the sound that is inspired by their artistry. That comes as a result of practice and understanding. The voice strengthens with knowledge, stimulus and discipline. Exercising through the range of your full voice, isometrically. Rhythmic musical patterns in succession create memory and feel. These strengthen, lengthen, thicken and thin. Just like my Monday Pilates class. Vocal therapy frees the voice by strengthening the full range of motion.
Vocal health requires fitness. So does vocal beauty. A fit voice is one that is both balanced and exercised to its maximum limitation. Each lesson centers on matching the sensation to a musical vocal tone that is free and balanced, then returning to that feeling repeatedly. Natural easy singing is the result of studying and practicing natural function itself. The muscle systems of the voice have an innate knowing and a natural balance like the rest of our body.
It takes training and practice for muscles to develop strength and flexibility. A proper environment for singing exists when an exercise pattern or musical phrase is combined with an instructional directive to encourage a natural spontaneous movement of the vocal mechanism. As your trainer, I can help you work out the muscle systems to achieve the desired result.